So if you saw Inception this weekend (I did, it was sweet, go see it, have I mentioned this before?), then chances are you saw the trailer for M. Night Shyamalan's new movie called Devil. It's about 5 people that get stuck on an elevator and one of them by chance is the devil. Blah blah who cares.
Anyways, a Film Drunk follower recorded the trailer at the midnight showing and captured the audience's reaction. In his words:
Anyway, FilmDrunkard Patrick was at a screening of Inception recently and filmed the audience’s reaction to the Devil trailer that played before it. Their response to “From the mind of M. Night Shyamalan” bit at the 15-second mark is priceless.
Hahahaha. F you Shaymalan. Your movies all blow except for two of them and now everyone has caught on and realizes you suck. The video of the reaction was on youtube but of course Universal Pictures blocked it to save their own asses. Below is the actual trailer, which should be good since "The Last Airbender" was Shyamalan's rebound flick. Oh wait, that got killed in movie reviews too. Anyways, I saw the reactions before the youtube vid got pulled. It was hilarious. Just imagine the loud groans in the audience when his name pops up (2:03 mark). I'll try to find an actual vid of the audience's reaction, I know it's somewhere out there.
Side note, that guy in the suit is married to Christina Hendricks. Yeah I don't get it either. (Call me Lindsay).
from film drunk
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