Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Wang is Loose in South Africa

The Wang is currently in South Africa for the World Cup. He went to Denmark-Netherlands yesterday. If you don't know him, he is a disaster. Gets drunk, makes dumb decisions and passes out in random places. Last time he was in DC, we all went out, got drunk, ate at Bistro Francais and left. That night we went to Scion Restuarant, where he kept on playing "Meet Me Halfway"by the Black Eyed Peas back when it just came out. I wake up the next morning to a text that says, "I woke up at Bistro Francais." and "meet me halfway." At that point I was thinking no way I'm picking him up, just take a freaking cab Wang. Then it occurred to me that he slept IN the restaurant. He woke up and spooked the staff cause they thought he was a robber but in reality they locked him in a storage closet.

So beware South Africa, the Wang is on the loose. So in honor of him, here is Meet Me Halfway by Black Eyed Peas.

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