Well, I don't know where to start. Web and I went to the midnight show on Friday since we didn't feel like having a hangover or spending a bunch on an unnecessary bar tab. We got there around 11:30 and there was already a huge line to get into the theater. There were lots of weirdos and deranged people in DC someone said. I'd have to agree. (I give out plot here, if you really care, you shouldn't, but if you really do, SPOILER ALERT)
The movie is cheesy, poorly written and has bad acting. A quick synopsis. Deranged German doctor. American Female Tourist's car breaks down in random German woods becasue they get lost. They find German's house. Doctor drugs them. Doctor sews them, mouth to anus, with a another random Japanese guy. Doctor tortures them. Police find out. Everyone dies.
The two American girl actresses, I'm guessing, are just trying to break into Hollywood. I don't know why else they would take this role. There's not many lines for them because they are really just moaning and yelling and crying.
In my opinion, this was one of the most absurd movies I've ever seen. I was laughing at the absurdity and unintentional comedy, grossed out by the shock value and pretty much speechless at the end. I can't recommend to go see it but I can. Like I said, I don't know what to think. I don't know, if you're bored, sure why not. Throughout the movie, there was clapping, yelling, and singing from the audience. I have also seen reviews where some people were throwing up in the theater. When I left the movie at the end, I noticed there were one or two girls already outside, and it looked like they have been there for a while because they were leaning against the wall, disgusted, waiting for their friends. There was random talk from audience members about how someone came up with this idea and who the hell would green light it. Well apparently it has to be the IFC, who also has green lighted the sequal. Oh those crazy Germans. Here's the trailer again.
UPDATE: DCist with a blog review and interview of people that went to the same midnight show.
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